
Dr. Prasanna Deshpande


Adult Health Nursing

SDM Institute of Nursing Sciences

+91 836 2477609


Dr. Prasanna Deshpande

  • Ongoing Research
  • Recent Publications

The ongoing research focuses on comparing the efficacy of chlorhexidine mouthwash versus normal saline in preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) among mechanically ventilated patients. The study aims to determine if normal saline can offer an equally beneficial preventive effect as chlorhexidine while being more cost-effective. The research seeks to contribute valuable insights into optimizing VAP prevention protocols for mechanically ventilated patients, potentially enhancing patient outcomes and healthcare resource utilization.

Intra-dyslectic exercise research, currently being conducted, aims to explore the potential benefits of engaging in physical activity during dialysis sessions for patients. As dialysis serves as a lifeline for those with compromised kidney function, optimizing their overall well-being during these sessions becomes crucial. By comparing metrics such as muscle strength, cardiovascular endurance, mood, and patient satisfaction, the study aims to establish a comprehensive understanding of how intra-dyslectic exercises may enhance the efficacy of dialysis and improve the overall patient experience.

  1. Ashi RS, Deshpande P, Patil V. The Role of a Nurse in The Management of Material: An Integrative Review. Research & Review: Management of Emergency and Trauma Nursing (e-ISSN: 2582-0494). 2022 Mar 29:7-22.
  2. Padmakumar S, Ambily VV, Deshpande P, Beth M. Find out the effect of Hot application on the prevention of Thrombophlebitis among patients with Peripheral Intra Venous Cannula in a selected hospital at Kasaragod, Kerala. J Pharm Negative Results. 2022;13(6):1333-1335.
  3. M Beth, S Padmakumar, Deshpande P, VV Ambily. A search to evaluate the efficacy of an information booklet on the knowledge and practice relating to lifestyle modifications among patients with coronary artery disease. J Pharm Negative Results. 2022;13(6):1323-7.
  4. Beth M, Ambily VV, Padmakumar S, Deshpande P. Research to determine the likelihood that hospitalized patients may fall and the preventative measures used in the chosen hospitals in the state of Gujarat. J Pharm Negative Results. 2022;13(6):1328-1332.
  5. Deshpande P, Kademani MV. Effectiveness of thirst bundle on reduction of thirst intensity and dryness of mouth among postoperative patients undergone abdominal surgery: A Pilot study. J Emerg Technol Innov Res. 2022;9(5): d418-d430.

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