Dr. Satish G. Patil
- Ongoing Research
- Recent Publications
Our field of research interest is 'Yoga, Heart and Vascular Physiology'. Our "Laboratory for Advanced Research in Yoga and Vascular Physiology (Yoga-VPRL)" is currently investigating the effect of Yoga based cardiac rehabilitation program on endothelial function (including related genes expression and epigenetics), arterial stiffness and oxidative stress in patients with heart and vascular diseases, with an aim to explore the underlying molecular mechanism of yoga on heart and vascular health.
These clinical trials will also help in identifying the molecules associated with better clinical outcomes, which can be targeted for therapy. We are also working on cardiovascular disease prevention, vascular aging and attempting on effective approaches for reducing arterial stiffness.
- Prabhakaran D, Chandrasekaran AM, Singh K, Mohan B, Chattopadhyay K, Chadha DS, Negi PC, Bhat P, Sadananda KS, Ajay VS, Singh K. et. Al. Yoga-based cardiac rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction: a randomized trial. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2020 Apr 7;75(13):1551-61.
- Patil SG, Aithala MR, Naregal GV, Shanmukhe AG, Chopade SS. Effect of yoga on cardiac autonomic dysfunction and insulin resistance in non-diabetic offspring of type-2-diabetes parents: A randomized controlled study. Complementary therapies in clinical practice. 2019 Feb 1;34:288-93.
- Patil SG, Biradar MS, Khode V, Vadiraja HS, Patil NG, Raghavendra RM. Effectiveness of yoga on arterial stiffness: A systematic review. Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2020 Aug 1;52:102484.
- Patil SG, Aithala MR, Das KK. Effect of yoga on arterial stiffness in elderly subjects with increased pulse pressure: A randomized controlled study. Complementary therapies in medicine. 2015 Aug 1;23(4):562-9.
- Patil SG, Patil SS, Aithala MR, Das KK. Comparison of yoga and walking-exercise on cardiac time intervals as a measure of cardiac function in elderly with increased pulse pressure. Indian heart journal. 2017 Jul 1;69(4):485-90.